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I provide Student Centred Learning technology integration consultancy. From the standpoint student learning and good teaching pedagogy is first and foremost of any instructional technology decision, I work with schools to transform the learning experience by leveraging technology in the classroom, the school, and at home.

What I Offer: Services

A Comprehensive Approach


The success of technology in schools hinges on all stakeholders being well equipped. Therefore, I offer inservice sessions to not just teachers but also administration, students and parents. When the entire school ecosystem operates from the same understandings of effective technology in the classroom, then student learning ultimately is enhanced.


For TEACHERS and ADMINISTRATION I facilitate half day to full day (or longer) sessions on a wide range of topics based on school need. These topics can include Google Apps for Education, iPads in the classroom, managing devices in school, a variety of EdTech tools for the classroom, learning management systems, digital citizenship, digital leadership, leveraging social media in the school and in the classroom, online student portfolios, revamping the learning experience using HyperDocs, understanding the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards for students and teachers and why they are important, powerful media creation, and others. 


For STUDENTS I offer hands on experiences on using a variety of EdTech tools to use in their classes, designing and executing Powerful Presentations that extend beyond PowerPoint, online portfolios and why every student should have one, digital citizenship, using social media for digital leadership, and others.

For PARENTS I host sessions on supporting students at home using school supported platforms, creative technologies for students and ways to encourage its use at home, the importance of online student portfolios and how to support students at home, supporting digital citizenship at home, how to keep students safe online, and others. 


A Path to Success


I work closely with Administrative Teams to help realize their technology vision of the school and / or district. Whether that starts at the beginning with creating a viable technology vision or whether it starts with the road map for implementation of an established vision, I work with teams to find sustainable solutions for success.


Having been trained by Steve Barkley, I use my experiences and his Backwards Planning model when working with administration. This model focuses on Student Learning Production Behaviours and how to use identified production behaviours to direct administration in the transformation of student learning in order to achieve the desired outcomes. 


Schools and / or Districts can build capacity and sustainability for their technology vision by identifying a team of teachers committed to collaboration, risk taking, transparency, initiative, and perseverance. Using my experiences and expertise, I work with these critical teams to ensure understanding of technology integration pedagogy (SAMR, TPACK, Scott MacLeod and Julie Graber's TRUDACOT protocol, Bloom's Taxonomy for Digital Learning), ISTE Standards for technology in education, and then facilitate the team as they create strategies and a road map to help their school move towards their technology integration goals. 


Business Handshake

Expert Guidance


Whether it be individual teachers, teaching teams, or subject departments, I offer longer term coaching cycles--a combination of in person and online sessions--to deep dive into leveraging technology to transform learning production behaviours. Regular sessions and contact provides a deeper level of support which, in turn, allows teachers to take greater risks in the classroom to transform student learning.


Working with a coach can be an intimidating prospect if there is a lack of relationship with the coach. I have a proven track record of establishing a quick rapport with teachers of all student levels and subject matter. I take time to listen to their individual needs as well as their dreams for their students. Together, we look at student learning and design plans to achieve their goals. 


Having been trained by Steve Barkley as well as being a student of Diane Sweeney, I combine their approaches when working with teachers. The focus is always student centred learning with evidence of clear student production behaviours. The focus when I work with a teacher or group of teachers is to focus on the students' production behaviours and to support the teacher as they transform their teaching to achieve those desired outcomes.  


Different Ways To


Single Visit

Have me in for a set number of days to facilitate vision setting, inservice training sessions, student workshops, and / or parent sessions that all work to support your vision.

Multiple Visits

Let me work with you and your team for an agreed upon number of visits throughout the year. Each visit would build upon the pervious experience in order to build capacity and sustainability in order to realize your vision.

Visits and Email

Take your commitment to effective technology integration to the next level and work with me throughout the year via multiple visits and email support.

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